The broken teeth

A tale by Pedro Emilio Coll At the age of twelve, stragelling the boy Juan Peña with some rascals received a pebble over one of his teeth, the blood ran over cleaning his dirthy face, and the teeth broke down like a saw shape. Since that day, the golden age of Juan Peña began. With the tip of the tongue, Juan touched constantly his broken teeth; the rest of his body still, with a lost look, witouth thinking. Thereby, from rowdy and quarrelsome became quiet and calm. Juan’s parents, tired of listening to the neighbors and the passersby’s camplaints, all victims from the boy perversities, and exhausted from all kind of unsuccessful reprimands and punishments, were now astonished and anguished with the sudden transformation of Juan. Juan stood still and he stayed the whole hours in hieratic attitude, like in ecstasy or something; meanwhile, in there, inside the darkness of his closed mouth, the toungue stroke the broken teeth withouth thinking. ...